Free KPI Resources, Tools and Templates Free tools to solve your KPI issues and make life easier Select and define your KPIs Three full KPI Tree examples Full KPI Trees for Finance, Service Improvement and Product Quality. KPI Tree templates Free templates that make drawing KPI Trees much simpler and quicker. KPI performance target and incentive design Target and incentive problem guide Common target and incentive problems with examples. Incentive design canvas Fast, printable, visual design tool for creating performance incentives that work in the real world. Target design canvas Fast, printable, visual design tool for creating KPI targets that work in the real world. Design clear, simple KPI dashboards with Excel 3 Awesome Free Excel KPI Dashboard Templates Free Excel KPI dashboard templates that are a great foundation for building your own dashboards. How to Get Staff Buy-In for KPIs in 5 Steps 8 performance incentive problems that kill results Building a KPI Habit 6 KPI Selection Traps to Avoid What is the Balanced Scorecard Approach? 3 Essential KPI Tree Examples by the Original Inventor