Implement Your KPIs

Painful report production? Why you should be worried…

By Bernie | May 28, 2014

The problem with a good Reporting/MI/Analytics team is that they make it all look too easy. They will often go through a very painful report production process (particularly for executive meetings) and deliver against all the odds. This usually involves heroic efforts of chasing, data manipulation and spreadsheet gymnastics. The reports get generated and the Reporting/MI/Analytics…

30 Second Tip: An obvious thing that never gets done….

By Bernie | July 6, 2012

Define you measures. Make sure each measure is clearly described, has an owner, has a documented way of calculating it, the source of the information, what it’s intended to do, how it should be reported and what action should be taken based on what it’s saying. Here is a KPI Definition Checklist that will help you do…

Time to be be brutal….

By Bernie | June 29, 2012

Ditch measures that are not useful. Often measures are retained as they are “interesting”. If the measures are not useful, and used, consider ditching them.

Real life measures: Measuring efficiency in offices

By Bernie | May 1, 2012

 Who is this article for? This article is a fairly technical article aimed at people who are looking to measure the efficiency or productivity of teams in an office-based environment, want a guide on how to measure efficiency and the system options for doing this.   Article facts: Word count: 1320 Approximate time to read:…

9 Things you should never do in Excel

By Bernie | January 24, 2012

Excel rules the roost when it comes to real-world management information. It’s easy to knock it, but millions of people find it quick and painless to use. There are some things you just should not do in Excel. Here’s my highly subjective list. Never….   Use Excel as a database. OK, I know you are…

4 Dos and Don’ts For Leveraging KPIs to Improve Business Results

By Marci Reynolds | December 21, 2011

Leveraging KPIs does not always go as planned Rewind 20 years ago, our systems and processes did not always provide the data and reporting that we needed to effectively run our business. Today, with the incredible advances in most CRM, BPM, ERM (insert acronym here) systems, we often have too many numbers available to us.…

Setting up your meetings well – 10 point checklist

By Bernie | September 12, 2011

I’ve sat through a lot of meetings. Many of them were terrible and ineffective. There are a lot of different aspects to a good meeting, some are easier to fix than others. Fortunately one of the most common failings is relatively easy to fix with some careful thought and discussion, namely “What is the purpose…

Team Efficiency and Cognitive Dissonance in the Workplace

By Bernie | September 9, 2011

What happens when you adjust metrics and targets to be more realistic, but it leaves your workforce feeling like they’re suddenly underperforming, even though their actual performance hasn’t changed at all? In today’s data-driven world, metrics and targets are the bedrock of organisational performance. But what happens when these measures don’t tell the full story?…

Data Production – 10 Point Checklist

By Bernie | September 6, 2011

How good is your organisation a producing the data you need? (we aren’t talking about analysis, see this analysis checklist for that). Carefully answer these questions (you can use a 1-5 scale to improve the resolution of the checklist, where 1 is low/poor and 5 is high/strong). Does data arrive in a structured way, ready…

overwhelmed businessman

Too many reports? A great tip…

By Bernie | February 28, 2011

A friend of mine recently mentioned her brilliant tip for finding out how many people read the reports that you send out. She decided to password protect the regular report that she sent out to over 300 people. Just two people requested the password. If you have a sneaking suspicion that people aren’t reading the…