KPI Basics

ROKS KPI Method Infographic

Designing KPIs Infographic

By Bernie | September 1, 2016

How Apple use ‘Observable Consequences’

By Bernie | August 16, 2016

Figuring out how vulnerable your software is to malicious attack has got to be right up there on the ‘hard to measure stuff’ league table. Why? Because anyone who knows how to hack your software probably isn’t going to tell you that they can. The most valuable exploits are the ones that no-one knows about.…

cheat sheet OEE KPI

KPI Cheat Sheet – Making KPIs and Measures Easy to Understand

By Bernie | November 28, 2014

Most KPIs are really badly documented, if they are documented at all No matter which industry, I find three things are consistently true of KPIs KPIs and measures are not fully understood by all of those using them KPIs and measures are poorly documented The documentation that does exist is almost unreadable Performance measurement and…

school closed by snow and the wrong KPIs

Defining KPIs: How the wrong KPI shut schools

By Bernie | May 13, 2014

Defining KPIs clearly is crucial. Badly defined KPIs have unfortunate side effects. The cobra effect is one of my favourites. Most people agree that going to school is good for children. This means that there is a government focus on truancy as a measure. Sometimes there are legitimate reasons why children cannot get to school. One such reason is snow. A singular focus on truancy…


Strategy Checklist: Is your strategy ready to support meaningful measures and KPIs?

By Bernie | January 18, 2013

Why is a strategy checklist important? Imagine a friend saying to you “Can you pop out to the hardware store and buy a tool for me?”. Obviously, your first question would be “What kind of tool are you looking for?” Deciding on your measures and KPIs without having a clear strategy is exactly like going…

30 Second Tip: Seek out pain

By Bernie | June 22, 2012

  Measure things that are not in control. Organisations tend to shy away from this, as the message initially looks grim. If you are trying to improve things then it’s essential to measure the things that are not working properly.

A plain English guide to OEE

By Bernie | April 30, 2012

OEE stands for Overall Equipment Effectiveness. It is a very commonly used efficiency measure. What do we mean by efficiency? Put simply, it is “How much did we make, compared with how much we could have made.” OEE splits our efficiency down into three categories. The idea here is that we can get some understanding…

How to measure the “unmeasurable”

By Bernie | November 30, 2010

I’m often told that some things are impossible to measures. It’s true that some things are much less obvious but there are some pretty ingenious ways around this. If you can’t measure something directly then you can look for “coincident” events or activities. What am I gibbering on about? Let me give you an example:…