measure definition

Mars Climate Orbiter - destroyed by a definition mistake

The definition mistake that cost $328m

By Bernie | September 20, 2016

One team, two measurement systems On December 11th 1998 NASA launched the Mars Climate Orbiter. The probe was designed to measure water distribution on the surface of Mars. 286 days after launch the $328 million probe arrived at Mars. It missed the correct orbit by 100km. The probe dipped into the atmosphere, overheating the engine…

30 Second Tip: An obvious thing that never gets done….

By Bernie | July 6, 2012

Define you measures. Make sure each measure is clearly described, has an owner, has a documented way of calculating it, the source of the information, what it’s intended to do, how it should be reported and what action should be taken based on what it’s saying. Here is a KPI Definition Checklist that will help you do…