
Four out of five score on blackboard

Assessing Report Design Objectively – Avoiding Fights

By Bernie | October 28, 2014

There are three situations where it can be a good idea to have a structured review of your reports and dashboards… If some of your team are in denial about the need to change existing reports You want some clear ideas on what needs to be included in improved dashboards or reports You have an…

Ben Lamorte, owner of

Insider Tips from an OKRs Coach

By Ben Lamorte | October 2, 2014

OKRs and KPIs go together ‘hand in glove’. In this article Ben Lamorte of gives us some practical examples of OKRs. Check out his introduction to OKRs – ‘Taking KPIs to the next level with OKRs‘ in his earlier blog for a bit of background on OKRs. OKRs, being clear on terminology Before we…

Free Meetings Terms of Reference Template

By Bernie | September 22, 2014

Report bloat is a significant problem in many organisations. Much of this problem stems from the people producing reports and dashboards not being clear on how they are being used and which parts of their output are even looked at. In short, they don’t understand the purpose of their reports. To design reports and dashboards…

Model showing how management information really works

How we ‘really’ use management information…

By Bernie | September 15, 2014

When we are kids we have models of how we think things work. For example, stick people with arms coming from the middle of their bodies or the sky being a thick blue line across the top of a drawing. As adults we still carry lots of models in our minds, including how we use…

TSR2 A lesson in how not to design dashboards

Dashboard design – lessons from Britains ‘lost bomber’

By Bernie | September 8, 2014

Part of being a geek includes dragging your family round aircraft museums. Wandering round the Imperial War Museum in Duxford last week I came across an impressive looking failure – the TSR2. Britain, like many wealthy countries, has a long and grizzly history of defence projects going wrong. The TSR2 was envisioned initially as a…

Ben Lamorte, owner of

Taking KPIs to the next level with OKRs

By Ben Lamorte | June 26, 2014

Ben Lamorte Guest author As more and more organizations look to improve corporate performance management with best practices such as driver-based planning, introducing leading indicators in addition to lagging indicators, and moving from annual budgeting to rolling forecasts, one model for performance management seems to be making the most impact. The model, Objectives and Key…

How to measure “difficult to measure” things.

By Bernie | May 30, 2014

What lipstick, the Panama Canal and toilet breaks can tell you. There are some things that are difficult to measure, maybe even impossible to measure directly. The key with ‘difficult to measure’ things is to look at something that either affects or is affected by the thing you are interested in. Here are three examples of…

Painful report production? Why you should be worried…

By Bernie | May 28, 2014

The problem with a good Reporting/MI/Analytics team is that they make it all look too easy. They will often go through a very painful report production process (particularly for executive meetings) and deliver against all the odds. This usually involves heroic efforts of chasing, data manipulation and spreadsheet gymnastics. The reports get generated and the Reporting/MI/Analytics…

school closed by snow and the wrong KPIs

Defining KPIs: How the wrong KPI shut schools

By Bernie | May 13, 2014

Defining KPIs clearly is crucial. Badly defined KPIs have unfortunate side effects. The cobra effect is one of my favourites. Most people agree that going to school is good for children. This means that there is a government focus on truancy as a measure. Sometimes there are legitimate reasons why children cannot get to school. One such reason is snow. A singular focus on truancy…

took kit

Managing KPIs with Excel?

By Bernie | March 13, 2014

Are you managing KPIs with Excel? I often hear that Excel is not capable of managing KPIs but in reality that is rare. Consider this, your PC, laptop or tablet has more than a million times the computing power of the Apollo moon missions. Excel is an extraordinarily powerful, flexible and widely used application. So…