
Painful report production? Why you should be worried…

By Bernie | May 28, 2014

The problem with a good Reporting/MI/Analytics team is that they make it all look too easy. They will often go through a very painful report production process (particularly for executive meetings) and deliver against all the odds. This usually involves heroic efforts of chasing, data manipulation and spreadsheet gymnastics. The reports get generated and the Reporting/MI/Analytics…

school closed by snow and the wrong KPIs

Defining KPIs: How the wrong KPI shut schools

By Bernie | May 13, 2014

Defining KPIs clearly is crucial. Badly defined KPIs have unfortunate side effects. The cobra effect is one of my favourites. Most people agree that going to school is good for children. This means that there is a government focus on truancy as a measure. Sometimes there are legitimate reasons why children cannot get to school. One such reason is snow. A singular focus on truancy…

took kit

Managing KPIs with Excel?

By Bernie | March 13, 2014

Are you managing KPIs with Excel? I often hear that Excel is not capable of managing KPIs but in reality that is rare. Consider this, your PC, laptop or tablet has more than a million times the computing power of the Apollo moon missions. Excel is an extraordinarily powerful, flexible and widely used application. So…

banana skin

The wrong KPI. Dangers of the ‘obvious’ measure

By Bernie | March 8, 2014

  A powerful example of  wrong KPI is a measure used in call centres. Many of us have experienced a call centre agent who is clearly dying to get us off the line (even if they are scripted to hurriedly ask you ‘Is there anything else I can help you with today, Mr Smith?’). The…

Why Finance should not own (all) your KPIs

By Bernie | December 1, 2013

A point to make is that KPIs are not just financial measures. Financial measures are crucial in many organisations, but they are also `lagging’ – which means they tell you what happened after the event. KPIs should also help you see what is coming, not just what has passed. It’s like the difference between a…

Bernie Smith

What we are about…

By Bernie | October 7, 2013

KPIs and measures can drive a business in the right direction, or become instruments of torture. I believe that most organisations can do a lot more with the data and systems they already have. This site is all about helping you improve your measures, KPIs and reporting. Dive in, take what you need and let me…

Performance measurement, biscuits and a cunning sheep dog

By Bernie | June 12, 2013

I have always thought sheep dogs were intelligent. I didn’t realise, until recently, that they are smarter than me (well, at least one is). A while ago I was walking with a friend. Her sheep dog, a Border Collie called Harvey, was with us. After 10 miles or so Harvey seemed to be flagging. She…

Improved KPI reports by understanding thumbs

By Bernie | May 29, 2013

There’s a very interesting article in the Guardian on mobile software design for the real world. One of the points they make is, through watching phone users, the authors of Polar have established that 49% of users drive their phone apps with just one thumb. This is interesting to the app designers for all kinds…

Using KPIs to improve your business

By Bernie | February 11, 2013

I’m often asked how to create KPIs and measures. It’s not a short process, which is why most people end up brainstorming or using existing measures when they are tasked with doing this (check out this article – Six KPI Selection Traps to Avoid to see some of the other pitfalls). The good news is…

KPI Management – Using KPIs to improve your business

By Bernie | February 11, 2013

KPIs are the first step for improving or controlling a business. Measures are the eyes and ears of anyone who has to manage anything bigger than a one-man business. KPI management is all about using KPIs to give you a clear and honest view of whichever organisation you are looking at. I use two processes…